The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is.
––Winston Churchill
Each of us possesses a worldview, or what contemporary society would describe as a philosophy. Therefore, I would like to articulate my own worldview to offer a basis for comprehending my perspectives on various subjects and themes presented in my blog posts.
I embrace realism, foundationalism, and intellectualism, which leads me to the conclusion that objective truth exists in the world and can be discovered through careful observation and rational analysis. I believe that the world exists independently of our perceptions, and we are to strive to understand it as accurately as possible. These principles shape my approach to life and how I interact with the world around me and are the metaphysical foundations of modern science.
As a Reformed Baptist, my faith is a central part of my worldview. I believe that God is sovereign and that the Bible is the ultimate authority for understanding God's nature and the purpose of human life. Though I reject presuppositional apologetics and embrace the classical methodology, I still believe that ultimately all knowledge is grounded in God. I reject blind faith and believe that there is substantial reason and evidence for God's existence and to deny his existence is irrational. I also embrace the methodology of Reformed scholasticism, which emphasises the importance of logic, reason, and careful study in understanding the Bible and the Christian faith guided by the Holy Spirit.
Politically, similar to Robert Menzies, I believe in a non-utilitarian classical liberalism, which values selfless individual and religious freedom, limited government, and regulated free markets. I believe that people should be free to pursue their own goals and aspirations without interference from the state, and that this leads to a more prosperous and just society. This belief in individual liberty extends to my economic views. By extension, I am also a Burkean conservative. I believe that tradition, custom, and the wisdom of the past should be valued and preserved. I think that social institutions and practices that have stood the test of time should be respected and maintained. Additionally, I also believe in a constitutional monarchy, where the monarch serves as a unifying symbol of national identity and tradition, while the government is constrained by a constitution that protects individual liberties and limits the power of the state.
Finally, I believe that the true, good, and beautiful are objective ideals that exist independently of human opinions or preferences. I believe that art and literature can help us understand these values and enrich our lives in a tangible way. My appreciation for the true, good, and beautiful is informed by my faith and belief in God who ultimately is the true, the good and the beautiful.